Monday, October 1, 2012


After all of last month's happenings we'll be updating this thing a lot more coming up...
just want to cover a few things:

1) If you want stickers, coozie, shirt packages send us your address and we'll get that shipped out ASAP

2) We have some great parties and benefits coming up so stay tuned!

3) We're gonna be starting a monthly article on the FB page and on here, That I will release more information on soon!

Thanks for all the support! Looking forward to all the good thats coming.



  1. hey we need stickers tee shirts everything you can send to your bros in oregon we are at 206 sw 7th pendleton OR 97801

  2. You guys are alkies who cant afford bikes, pretending to be 1%ers it kinda pathetic. so you did some fundrasers, so do the hells angels. But the difference between you and them is your wannbes and they are true badasses. dude said no one will hire him because of how he looks. lol im a tattooed felon and i make 24$/hr get off your ass. Tattoos dont fucking make you a tough guy your gay cuts dont make you tough guys, so you drink alot who cares? Get some t-shirts but im telling you right now your putting some negative attention to yourselves with the patches someone could get hurt someday. the big boys dont play i know some drinking clubs with motorcycle problems who dont like fakers be carefull

  3. Just of bunch of drunk classless posers!
